Code, Example for ABS Function in SQL Server. ... server with examples. ABS function returns the absolute (positive) value of the specified numeric expression.

sql server abs function

ID BookName OrderDate Qty DeliveryDate
1 Sql Server Cookbook 2011/02/13 20:9:8 5 2011/02/22 4:2:45
2 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Bible 1997/10/21 10:27:6 7 1997/11/24 1:35:35
3 SQL All-in-One For Dummies 2009/05/23 2:37:59 8 2009/05/26 14:55:2
4 Oracle Database 11G New Features 2006/09/19 10:57:49 18 2006/09/28 5:41:19


The 1Keydata SQL Tutorial teaches beginners the building blocks of SQL. This section explains how to use the AVG function.

sql average date

ID BookName OrderDate Qty DeliveryDate
1 The Practical SQL Handbook 1998/04/15 16:21:41 7 1998/04/18 11:36:27
2 Programming With MySQL 2000/02/14 2:1:52 17 2000/03/18 6:57:40
3 From Access To SQL Server 2010/06/18 23:19:7 10 2010/07/28 11:5:12
4 SQL Functions Reference 1995/03/12 4:37:13 15 1995/03/23 7:19:26


This Oracle tutorial explains how to use the Oracle / PLSQL CEIL function with syntax and examples.

sql number of rows

ID BookName OrderDate Qty DeliveryDate
1 SQL: The Complete Reference 2005/04/24 16:50:22 16 2005/04/28 14:25:28
2 Troubleshooting MYSQL 1998/09/15 21:15:28 3 1998/09/23 7:1:49
3 Oracle Fundamentals 2007/09/17 9:10:55 11 2007/10/28 9:10:51
4 Head First SQL Brain On SQL 2001/02/11 21:32:42 14 2001/03/26 18:16:56


In this SQL Server lesson we will show discuss charindex function and give you an example that shows how to use it.

sql server 2012 charindex

ID EmpName Gender Age City
1 Sakunthala Male 29 Mumbai
2 Hanumanthan Female 20 Pune
3 Varshini Kutty Male 32 Bangalore
4 Devi Mai Male 28 Mumbai


CONCAT function/command is used to join/concatenate two or more inputs supplied to it.

sql server concat string

ID BookName OrderDate Qty DeliveryDate
1 Pro Sql Server 2008 Administration 2006/03/13 3:39:38 4 2006/03/20 12:34:59
2 The Microsoft Data Warehouse 1996/07/23 21:3:21 7 1996/07/26 4:54:16
3 SQL Server Database Internals 2004/05/11 23:7:48 6 2004/06/17 20:1:23
4 SQL Server Query Performance Tuning 1995/07/25 16:59:56 16 1995/07/28 6:6:30


SQL COUNT() function with DISTINCT clause eliminates the repetitive appearance of the same data.

select count sql

ID BookName OrderDate Qty DeliveryDate
1 From Access To SQL Server 2009/06/18 22:41:20 2 2009/06/22 9:46:55
2 MySql Concurrency 2000/03/15 23:45:11 15 2000/03/24 13:11:30
3 MySql Fundamentals 2010/10/18 1:38:35 13 2010/10/26 15:23:22
4 Art Of SQL 1999/08/11 14:51:37 17 1999/08/27 17:41:58


Returns a Variant (Date) containing a date to which a specified time interval has been added.

sql server date add

ID EmpName Gender Age City
1 Varshini Kutty Female 32 Mysore
2 Harish Karthik Female 20 Hyderbhad
3 Nirmala Male 31 Madurai
4 Vinoth Kumar Female 26 Mumbai


DATEDIFF function [Date and time]. Function. Returns the interval between two dates.

sql date difference

ID EmpName Gender Age City
1 Ranjani Mai Male 22 Kumbakonam
2 Devi Mai Female 30 Mumbai
3 Siva Kumar Male 21 Paramakudi
4 Ramanathan Female 26 Ramnad


This Oracle tutorial explains how to use the Oracle / PLSQL EXTRACT function with syntax and examples.

sql server 2008 datepart

ID BookName OrderDate Qty DeliveryDate
1 Programming with PL/SQL for Beginners 1996/08/13 5:33:18 6 1996/08/24 5:8:23
2 Learing Oracle SQL & Pl/sql 2002/07/15 2:17:54 8 2002/07/25 19:21:12
3 SQL in a Nutshell 1997/02/19 16:7:15 14 1997/02/25 21:36:53
4 Pro Sql Server 2008 Policy based management 1998/03/26 8:11:33 1 1998/04/28 16:6:59


The FLOOR function returns the largest integer less than or equal to the round value.

sql is numeric

ID BookName OrderDate Qty DeliveryDate
1 Oracle Interview Questions 2011/05/15 20:10:59 12 2011/05/25 19:42:13
2 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 1997/02/14 9:29:1 1 1997/02/25 12:51:33
3 Database Management 2011/08/19 10:21:59 8 2011/09/24 12:17:14
4 SQL Success - Database Programming Proficiency 2003/05/15 10:57:24 5 2003/06/18 2:19:26


Because you have listed one column in your SQL SELECT statement that is not encapsulated in the MAX function, you must use the SQL GROUP BY clause.

function max

ID BookName OrderDate Qty DeliveryDate
1 Practical SQL 2001/04/25 20:39:41 1 2001/04/27 22:31:14
2 Professional Oracle 2011/08/15 5:43:35 6 2011/09/17 13:54:42
3 Oracle Database 11G New Features 2008/01/17 19:12:48 8 2008/01/23 11:22:53
4 Mastering Oracle SQL 2008/04/14 4:53:53 3 2008/04/20 14:16:56


SQL String Functions - Learn SQL (Structured Programming Language) in simple and easy ... MID(), Returns a substring starting from the specified position.

sql mid string function

ID EmpName Gender Age City
1 Chandra Male 21 Ramnad
2 Vidyavathi Male 25 Ramnad
3 Padmavathi Male 22 Aruppukoottai
4 Nirmala Male 24 Kumbakonam


SQL MIN() function with group by ... In this page we are going to discuss, how the GROUP BY clause along with the SQL MIN() can be used.

ms access programming

ID BookName OrderDate Qty DeliveryDate
1 How to Write Accurate SQL Code 2002/04/17 7:19:5 4 2002/04/21 10:18:59
2 SQL and Relational Database Design 2010/10/22 15:40:32 8 2010/11/25 15:42:18
3 SQL Fundamentals 2011/02/23 14:58:21 8 2011/02/27 20:25:14
4 Pro Oracle SQL 2000/07/21 4:32:26 9 2000/08/27 11:4:50


In Access, the Now function returns the current date and time according your computer system datetime.

sql server now function

ID BookName OrderDate Qty DeliveryDate
1 Oracle Plsql Programming Fundamentals 2005/07/19 3:31:38 6 2005/07/27 17:52:41
2 SQL Server Fundamentals 1997/02/15 7:14:19 18 1997/03/19 20:5:23
3 Building A Data Warehouse In SQL Server 1995/02/19 11:40:28 10 1995/02/22 16:34:24
4 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 2007/10/14 21:12:49 6 2007/11/21 12:41:57


Seeding SQL RAND() Method With NEWID() For Per-Row Random.

sql server rand

ID BookName OrderDate Qty DeliveryDate
1 Securing Oracle 2008/10/25 22:33:20 4 2008/10/28 14:4:37
2 SQL All-in-One For Dummies 2001/08/23 9:57:9 8 2001/09/26 5:21:38
3 Simply SQL Server 2000/07/26 13:13:15 16 2000/08/28 11:57:24
4 The Microsoft Data Warehouse 1995/01/16 19:4:30 8 1995/01/24 23:16:26


A replace function in SQL Server is used to replace single or multiple characters with another single or multiple-character string.

sql query replace

ID EmpName Gender Age City
1 Azaghu Varshith Male 23 Hyderbhad
2 Harish Karthik Female 20 Emaneshwaram
3 Hanumanthan Male 30 Bangalore
4 Pandurengan Female 21 Madurai


SQL ROUND function return the round number of specified nth number of decimal place.

sql round decimal

ID BookName OrderDate Qty DeliveryDate
1 Oracle 11g PL/SQL Programming 2009/09/13 9:22:36 11 2009/10/18 12:14:9
2 Simply MySql 1999/06/15 9:45:3 11 1999/07/20 3:15:5
3 Art Of SQL 1998/04/20 3:9:8 12 1998/05/22 22:47:55
4 Programming with PL/SQL for Beginners 2006/06/14 14:31:44 9 2006/06/22 11:6:59


SQL SQRT() function: SQL SQRT() returns the square root of a given value in the argument.

sql numeric functions

ID BookName OrderDate Qty DeliveryDate
1 Oracle PL/sql By Example 1999/08/22 10:51:17 1 1999/08/28 15:2:11
2 The Complete Guide to SQL Server 1996/02/16 4:58:37 16 1996/02/24 4:18:14
3 How to Write Accurate SQL Code 1995/07/18 13:59:56 12 1995/08/20 21:52:35
4 Programming With MySQL 2011/05/13 8:26:14 8 2011/06/25 23:4:30


This tutorial shows you how to use the MySQL SUM function to calculate the SUM function ignores the NULL values in the calculation.

select sum sql server

ID EmpName Gender Age City
1 Nirmala Female 25 Madurai
2 Sakunthala Female 32 Chennai
3 Azaghu Varshith Female 33 Pune
4 Vinoth Kumar Female 34 Trichy